il bollettino della sfiga

martedì, novembre 29, 2005

Chull Tip Ta Cumment Hua Superfluu

3 cumment(i):

il kahba dinia, povru parakadusta!!

By Blogger Hsejjes, at 1:14 PM  

ahiar baka fuk l-airuplan.chien imur ahiar

By Blogger Coemgen, at 8:08 PM  


I write a paper for the university about medieval Italian language. In the text i am working on, the word "tinsegna" appears. I couldn't find it in any Italian dictionary. I searched the internet with Google for that word, and found it on your blog at this entry, which is even more interesting, because Maltese has many old Italian words. Can you please explain what does the word "tinsegna" mean? Thanks!

By Blogger Amir, at 6:55 PM  


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