Gibidli l-attentioni ghal dina l-istoria Owend "Zen" Degabriele u hasseit illi tchun taiba sabiesc nirravivau phtit dauna il-pagini cabel ma isiru obsoleti. Nimmagina li tiehdu gost tacrau dina il mini tracedia umana iccauzata mill-eccessi ta' scorb. Ahna ghadna haun ghalchemm hadna mini sabbatical mill-Bollettin. Il-progett taghna, bhal ta' l'Accusa ghad iigi ridiseniat la ichollna hin.
Intanto idhcu bil-pagan li biel u harach!
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German man drank too much, wet his bed and set fire to his apartment while trying to dry his bedding, police in the western town of Muelheim said Monday.
"He was too drunk to go to the toilet," said a police spokesman. "The next morning he put a switched-on hairdryer on the bed to dry it and left the apartment." When the 60-year-old returned, his home and belongings were in flames.
Firemen eventually put out the blaze.
DDG:Fuoco e fiamme a parigiu l-carotti mahruchinit-tedescho di cermaniamahruch..... izda bil-urine